The students can take advantage of various services that are provided by the University in the campus of Serres, such as:
- student care,
- the student restaurant and canteen,
- student residences (for Erasmus students only),
- the gym,
- the international relations and Erasmus office,
- the library,
- the internship office,
- the career office,
- the center for networks computing services and,
- the student’s advocate.

The students enjoy all the benefits and services that are provided to students by the State, similarly to the services provided by other Greek Universities, such as:
- medical and hospital care,
- food at the student restaurant (for free for some students and at low prices for all the students),
- textbooks and teaching material,
- academic ID card with special benefits/discounts on travel and access to other educational and cultural services,
- student allowances and scholarships,
- several special benefits/services aimed at special categories of students (e.g. children of large families).
Students from EU countries that study in the Department as Erasmus students enjoy all the privileges of Greek students.